肖蕾,77779193永利官网大数据管理与应用系副教授,硕士生导师。2007年毕业于华中科技大学物流管理专业,2019年毕业于武汉大学管理科学与工程专业。2019年进入yl6809永利官网工作,主要从事运营管理与供应链管理等方面研究。至今已在《Omega-International Journal of Management Science》、《Transportation Research Part E》、《Annals of Operations Research》等国际权威学术期刊发表论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项。
[1] Lei Xiao, Li Bie, Xue Bai. Controlling the schedule risk in green building projects: Buffer management framework with activity dependence;Journal of Cleaner Production,278(2020).
[2] Lei Xiao,Shuting Chen, Song Huang. Observability of retailer demand information acquisition in a dual-channel supply chain;Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming.
[3] Song Huang, Shuting Chen, Lei Xiao*, Manufacturer product quality information disclosure with channel encroachment in the E-commerce age;Managerial and Decision Economics,2020,41(5),744-761.
[4] Lei Xiao,Xu Minghui,Zheng Jun-jun*,Huang Song*. Inducing manufacturer’s quality enhancement via retailer’s acquisition strategy.Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2020, 93,1-14.
[5] Fei Lv, Lei Xiao* Minghui Xu*, Xu Guan. Quantity-payment versus two-part tariff contracts in an assembly system with asymmetric cost information;Transportation Research Part E, 2019,129: 60–80.
[6] Lei Xiao, Minghui Xu, Zhiyuan Chen*, Xu Guan. Optimal pricing for advance selling with uncertain product quality and consumer fitness. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019, 70:9, 1457-1474.
[7] Zhong-Zhong Jiang,Na He,Lei Xiao*,Ying Sheng .Government subsidy provision in biomass energy supply chains;Enterprise Information Systems,2019,13(10), 1367–1391.
[8] Liu Baoshan, Ma Shihua,Xu Guan,Lei Xiao*. Timing of sales commitment in a supply chain with manufacturer-quality and retailer-effort induced demand.International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 195: 249-258.
[9] Guo Li, Hui Mao,Lei Xiao*. Impacts of leader–follower structure on pricing and production strategies in a decentralized assembly system.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 34(1), 1740003.